How to Get Rid of Stress Due to Excessive Exercise

Exercise is also proven to make the mind so relaxed and fresh. However, excessive exercise to exceed the body’s ability as athletes do is not good. It can cause several mental and physical health problems, including stress.

Basically everyone can experience stress due to small things or even big changes, and the 2022 World Cup athletes are no exception. They may get criticized for their unsatisfactory performances on the field or disappointed because they can’t win matches. Excessive exercise and lack of rest also make them experience stress.

How to Get Rid of Stress Due to Excessive Exercise
Stress is a disorder that needs to be addressed immediately before the problem develops into depression. When stressed, the body can cause a response in the form of an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, emotional problems and much more. Therefore, this problem needs to be avoided.

It is very important to know how to relieve stress from over-exercising as it happens to athletes. This is done so that the existing feelings of worry can be muted and remain at a minimum.

Well, here’s how to relieve stress for those who often exercise excessively:
1. Rest
One of the main ways to relieve stress from excessive exercise is to take a break and rest. Indeed, physical activity has been shown to relieve feelings of stress.

However, you also need to pay attention to the body’s ability and the body’s need for rest. Adequate exercise must also be balanced with adequate sleep to rest all body functions due to exercise.

2. Choose the Right Sport
Be sure to choose the type of exercise that suits your body’s abilities. If you are a beginner, start with light exercise such as jogging, stretching, or aerobics.

Remember, everyone will have a different immune system, so it is important to know the portion of exercise that suits your body condition.

3. Practice Relaxation Techniques
Another way to relieve feelings of depression from overexercising is to take time to practice relaxation techniques. This is able to help the body in managing stress and protect the body from the effects of stress. Some techniques that can be done such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation.

4. Spend Time with Friends and Family
Instead of exercising alone, increase activity together with friends or family. Social support from friends and family can help you get through times of depression and deal with stress. Lower levels of support from friends, family, and partners were associated with loneliness, depressive symptoms, and perceived stress.

Having a social support system is important for overall mental health. If you feel alone and don’t have friends or family to rely on, a social support group can help.

5. Listening or Playing Music
Listening or playing music is a good stress reliever because it can fight mental disorders, reduce muscle tension. and lower stress hormones. You can also exercise like jogging while listening to your favorite music to increase the feeling of being more relaxed.

If music isn’t one of your interests, you can take up another hobby that you enjoy, like gardening, sewing, sketching or anything else that requires you to focus on what you’re doing instead of negative thoughts.